5pm - 7pm Packet Pickup at BIG WHITE TENT 3389 Pool Drive, Medora, ND 58645 – 5k, 10k, 13.1, 26.2 and 54 mile (suggested runners)
All shuttles will load and depart from the Finish Line Headquarters - BIG WHITE TENT AREA
(3389 Pool Drive, Medora, ND 58645) (46.918126, -103.534573)
Bring a chair and join us for LIVE music throughout the day with TED & KARI!
6:00 am 54 mile ultra race START and Full Marathon START
5:00 am - 6:30am Emergency Packet Pick Up at Family Fun Center
4:30 am Shuttle to marathon start departs from Family Fun Center
6:00 am Shuttle to half marathon start departs from Family Fun Center
6:00 am Shuttle to 10k start departs from Family Fun Center
6:30am Shuttle to 5k start departs from Family Fun Center
7:00 amHalf Marathon, 10k and 5k RACES START
8:00 am 5k awards ceremony at finish line
9:00 am Post Race Massages Opens - Amy Haase (until noon)
9:20 am Checkpoint A close
8:30 am 10k awards ceremony at finish line & Drink Tent opens
10:00 am Half Marathon awards ceremony at finish line
2:40 pm Aid Station 1 closes
1:00 pm Marathon awards ceremony at finish line
7:30 pm Checkpoint B closes
9:35 pm Checkpoint C closes
11:45 pm Aid Station 2 closes
2:15am Checkpoint D closes
5:30am Checkpoint E closes
7:00am Checkpoint F closes
8:35am Checkpoint G closes
9:50am Aid Station 3 closes
2:05pm Checkpoint H closes
4:30pm Checkpoint I closes
5:00pm Awards for ultra finishers at finish line
6:00pm Finish Line closes
All participants will receive a custom finisher’s medal upon crossing the finish line and the Ultra Race finishers ( 50 and 100) will receive a custom belt buckle. Top 3 men’s and women’s finishers will be awarded in each category as well as age groups in each category!
- 7 and under boys and girls
- 8 to 12 year old boys and girls
- 13 to 19 male and female
- Men’s and Women’s 20 to 29
- Men’s and Women’s 30 to 39
- Men’s and Women’s 40 to 49
- Men’s and Women’s 50 to 59
- Men’s and Women’s 60 to 69
- Men’s and Women’s 70 and Over
What is a pacer? The definition of a pacer is someone who runs any amount of the MDH ULTRAS (50, 75,100) with a registered runner. A pacer can be very crucial to the success of an ultra runner, making for a very positive experience. A pacer is a motivator, a mentor, a companion, and a savior. A pacer must be in great physical condition, tough, self-reliant, level-headed, positive, and must know the runner as they know themselves. The pacer’s job is to take care of the runner, not the other way around.
Who can have a pacer? Runners attempting to the run the Maah Daah Hey 100 OR 50 Mile race are allowed to have a pacer, on foot only (no bikes), from Aid Station #2 (mile 50.4) and onward for the 100 or from Aid Station #3 for the 50 mile runners. Racers who are 60 years of age or older can have a pacer for the entire 100 mile distance.
Making Your Pacer Official
– Pacer must be 18 years of age or older
– Pacer must sign a race waiver and register as a pacer
– Pacer must wear official Pacer Bib (found in race packet)
Pacer Do’s and Do (Legal)
– One pacer at a time (can have as many in your crew as you wish).
– Pacers have to join and/or leave their runner at a designated checkpoints.
– Pacers must have all their own gear: trail shoes, hydration pack, headlamp, nutrition, water, etc.
Don’t Don’t (Illegal)
– No “muling”! Registered runners must carry their own food and water.
– No leap frogging! You must enter AND leave each checkpoint with your runner.
– You must stay with your runner at all times. If your runner drops, you cannot continue the MDH 100 on your own.